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[E] justykumbusty
[E] justykumbusty
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over 12 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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1. Minecraft IGN: Justykumbusty 2. Age 14 3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern 4. Hours per week you play (Average): 35+ 5. How long have you been in MineTown: I`ve been with you guys since the beginning, just started getting involved. 6. Friends in Minetown: Mxkid519,Cytocraft,Drpepper1344,Parkerjdude,XCoaster,Destroyer, Yield_88 (I think he is my friend), Saito Clan, Moon_Rocks, GotMilk 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes, From my own server. We had a old server and i got banned as a joke, the server didn`t last so it shut down and i never got to it to unban myself. 8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes, I actaully host 4 servers now, one of them Blazelight which hosts on average 14 people on and Gotmilk is one of them. I`ve got a good grasp of coding and making servers run good and ofcourse dealing with issues and players. 9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Ofcourse! 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: The reason that I think that i would be a good moderator is because I want to see change. I want to see everything in-order and running smoothly. I am very facinated with all of MInetown`s creations and players and would love to help out with it. I personally feel that i am responsible since i have alot of knowledge, feel free to go on my server at blazelight.sytes.net and ask anyone on there. They will definatly tell you that I`ve devoted atleast 1 hour to each of them on helping them out with their problems. Also i wont rage quit, or commit to something and not give it my all. If I am accepted as Mod, i vow to give it my all, not rage quit and treat every players equal- and ofcourse, listen to the higher up. 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Thank you so much for taking the time out to read this application and I wish everything the best.
over 12 years ago
hey unmuted me. I will forgive him i guess
over 12 years ago
Okay, i was on Minetown, i am very loyal. I know all of the mods except for jalaf. I went to the bathroom and my friend said chocolate you, not cursing it appears. And i appoligized to jallaf- so he ignored me and then i said please man im sorry- so he muted me. Im absolutly disgusted with Jallaf. Im really mad- Please do something about it. PS: Im not the only one who doesnt agree with Jallaf. Pleaese dont ban me for stating my opinion.
over 12 years ago
is anyone on this appeal?
over 12 years ago
Username: Justykumbusty When you were banned : (Date.) 2/22/2011 Person who banned you: IDK Reason you were banned: This was before you were whitelisted, i guess i didnt know MC and i didnt know the rules. I am DEEPLY sorry, i think i got banned for spamming, this wont happen again.
over 12 years ago