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1. Minecraft IGN: Justykumbusty 2. Age 14 3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern 4. Hours per week you play (Average): 35+ 5. How long have you been in MineTown: I`ve been with you guys since the beginning, just started getting involved. 6. Friends in Minetown: Mxkid519,Cytocraft,Drpepper1344,Parkerjdude,XCoaster,Destroyer, Yield_88 (I think he is my friend), Saito Clan, Moon_Rocks, GotMilk 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes, From my own server. We had a old server and i got banned as a joke, the server didn`t last so it shut down and i never got to it to unban myself. 8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: Yes, I actaully host 4 servers now, one of them Blazelight which hosts on average 14 people on and Gotmilk is one of them. I`ve got a good grasp of coding and making servers run good and ofcourse dealing with issues and players. 9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Ofcourse! 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: The reason that I think that i would be a good moderator is because I want to see change. I want to see everything in-order and running smoothly. I am very facinated with all of MInetown`s creations and players and would love to help out with it. I personally feel that i am responsible since i have alot of knowledge, feel free to go on my server at and ask anyone on there. They will definatly tell you that I`ve devoted atleast 1 hour to each of them on helping them out with their problems. Also i wont rage quit, or commit to something and not give it my all. If I am accepted as Mod, i vow to give it my all, not rage quit and treat every players equal- and ofcourse, listen to the higher up. 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Thank you so much for taking the time out to read this application and I wish everything the best.
over 12 years ago
Okay, i was on Minetown, i am very loyal. I know all of the mods except for jalaf. I went to the bathroom and my friend said chocolate you, not cursing it appears. And i appoligized to jallaf- so he ignored me and then i said please man im sorry- so he muted me. Im absolutly disgusted with Jallaf. Im really mad- Please do something about it. PS: Im not the only one who doesnt agree with Jallaf. Pleaese dont ban me for stating my opinion.
over 12 years ago
Username: Justykumbusty When you were banned : (Date.) 2/22/2011 Person who banned you: IDK Reason you were banned: This was before you were whitelisted, i guess i didnt know MC and i didnt know the rules. I am DEEPLY sorry, i think i got banned for spamming, this wont happen again.
over 12 years ago